Lab 1
Lab 2
Lab 3
Lab 4
Lab 5
Lab 6
Lab 7
GIS and Decision Support is designed as a learning experience about GIS-oriented decision support methods. The course makes use of concepts from regional and urban planning, improvement programming, and implementation-level (PPI) work to inform the process of GIS methods. The course makes use of issues in land use, transportation, or water resources (LUTWR) to focus the substantive context of GIS work. We treat PPI processes and LUTWR substance within the context of GIS-based decision support methods in an integrative way. This perspective leads us to issues about urban growth management in relation to regional community sustainability in relation to integrative resource management, particularly from a decision support perspective. GIS, as an information technology, and particularly a decision support technology in a broad sense will mature, if we challenge it to address complex and demanding problems. Furthermore, we develop our own expertise when we challenge ourselves to use GIS technology in complex ways. Group-based decision support of LUTWR within PPI processes is among the more complex and important topics in the 21st century – because the integration of these ideas can be a practical (as well as theoretical) foundation for addressing sustainability management concerns. These kinds of concerns are highlighted by the place-based policies of the Obama Administration. Although we focus on land use, transportation, and water resource issues, other urban-regional issues are treated as they arise through readings and discussion.
Eugene Martin GIS solutions and educator