Eugene Martin

GIS solutions and educator (206) 465-4104

  • ​2017 WAURISA Greater Tacoma Convention and Trade Center WA:  Geosimulation and agent based modeling.
    • ​​​This workshop is an introduction to geosimulation and agent based modeling (ABM) featuring NetLogo, a free, simple and mature multi-agent modeling environment.  Introduction discussions establish the foundation principles of agent based modeling and applications.  Afterward the workshop is hands-on demonstrations and exercises building and using simple agent based models.  NetLogo includes a GIS extension and integration of spatial data with ArcGIS will be demonstrated.   These agent based challenges will be considered: cellular automata and landscape change, population flocking/clustering, ecological individual based behavior, pedestrian flows, pattern recognition and flooding.  Participants will receive a reading packet of articles and chapters and all the models featured in the workshop.
  • 2011 Association of American Geograpers - Seattle WA:  GIS knowledge work
    • ​​​Considering GIS as knowledge work can reconnect and cast a new light on the social and technical themes of critical GIS and PPGIS.  Knowledge work is co-constructed with practice, technology, artifacts and discourse applied for specific purposes.  Diverse perspectives on knowledge and knowledge production have been employed to explore and characterize GIS: cartographic knowledge, local knowledge, knowledge management, ontology, Mode 2, and the means to create knowledge about knowledge production.  STS concepts and methods related to technology and artifacts have been employed in some of this research.  Ethnography is another means to address the complexity of social and technical elements of GIS practices.  This paper presents a summary of knowledge work and connects it with the critical GIS and PPGIS research agendas.  Implications and methods for research will be discussed
  • .2009 Association of American Geographers - Las Vegas NV:  Data worlds of Puget Sound's nearshore ecosystem
    • Calls to investigate GIS implementation ecologies are decentered in this exploration of extra-organizational spatial data in ecologies of knowledge production GIS (KDGIS).  This investigation's Data Worlds framework inherits elements from actor network theory and social worlds theory.  Data World actor networks emerge from interorganizational activity that develops, transfers and reuses spatial data. They are shared discursive spaces of collective action for meaning-making in which data actor networks stabilize.  With this framework qualitative analysis reveals social and technical patterns and pressures that shape GIS ecologies. Field instruments include text, survey, interviews and situational map analysis.  The Puget Sound's nearshore ecosystem is a demonstration case study. Concern for the ecological good and services of the Puget Sound has received increasing attention since seven Washington salmon populations were listed endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act.  Nearshore environments are identified as foundations for multiple food webs and are essential salmon habitat.  Diverse measurement practices for nearshore physical, biological and process characteristics have developed rapidly over the past thirty years.  These serve many organizations' decision-making initiatives to manage, monitor, develop, protect, preserve, and investigate the nearshore.  Multiple organizations' GIS are engaged with Data Worlds of multiple data sets.  These exhibit a variety of configurations and are formative to ecologies of the GIS involved.  Some are results of organizational practice, data models, classification, technology, interorganizational negotiations, and power hierarchies.  

Conference presentations